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Welcome! Dive into my creative portfolio.

Saw Shine Moe

I'm a versatile marketing professional with a hybrid skill of being a full stack marketer and communication specialist. Starting as a copywriter, I developed effective ad copies for marketing communication campaigns for VAS startups to the telecoms. At a major APAC pharmaceutical corporation, I managed digital marketing for over 10 brands, achieving high converting leads and sales results. Currently, I lead social media and web marketing, consistently driving engagement and success for Awba Group.

Marketing communications


Web Marketing

I led the website marketing for Myanma Awba, planning a content strategy for a user-friendly site. The website's success was due to its intuitive design, easy navigation, and effective SEO strategies, supporting users with limited digital literacy.

Innovative Contents

At Comet Fertilizer, I took the initiative to implement AI-powered content strategies, creating innovative and engaging materials. This approach enhanced our marketing efforts, driving higher user engagement and interaction.

Brand Programs

At Myanma Awba, I helped my team design short-form video content for TikTok. The program was a success due to its innovative approach in leveraging TikTok's organic reach and creating positive brand associations with our target audience.

Educating Contents

At Kaung Thu Kha, I focused on educating customers through authoritative content. Our team’s efforts were highly successful, effectively conveying valuable information and establishing the brand as a trusted source of knowledge.

Building Social Presence

At Evogro, I worked with my team to establish a strong social media presence for the brand. Our efforts successfully built a core audience and customer base, enhancing the brand's visibility and engagement.


I created highly engaging content for Milna, a leading cereal and biscuit brand for babies. My efforts focused on developing compelling and informative materials that resonated with parents, effectively promoting the brand's products and enhancing its connection with the target audience.


I managed social media for Entrasol, a new brand entering the market, where I executed a campaign highlighting its key strengths: affordability and high nutrition. By emphasizing these attributes, I successfully positioned Entrasol as a compelling choice for health-conscious consumers, driving brand awareness and engagement.


I managed branding and lead generation campaigns for Diabetasol, a diabetes nutrition solution. My efforts led to a successful increase in the lead-to-customer conversion ratio, achieving a rate of 3 to 5 percent. This success was driven by targeted strategies and effective campaign execution.

Extra Joss

I managed social media campaigns for Extrajoss, focusing primarily on direct response ads. By strategically designing and optimizing these ads, I effectively drove immediate engagement and leads, achieving significant results in terms of user response and campaign performance.


I executed a highly successful Ask Me Anything (AMA) campaign for Prenagen, a leading nutrition supplement brand in ASEAN for over 30 years. This campaign effectively engaged the audience, fostered real-time interaction, and reinforced Prenagen’s established reputation in Myanmar.


I collaborated with child and mommy-focused media agencies for Morinaga, a renowned Japanese formula milk brand. We developed a series of video campaigns aimed at educating and promoting the brand's message to our target audience, effectively enhancing brand awareness and engagement.


I managed comprehensive marketing efforts for Mixagrip Cold and Flu Relief pills, overseeing both social media and key opinion leader (KOL) marketing strategies. In addition, I was responsible for managing eCommerce operations for Mixagrip and its related brands. My integrated approach effectively enhanced brand visibility, drove online sales, and strengthened the overall market presence of the product.


With Ferofort, an iron supplement pill, I managed marketing campaigns within a tight budget. While the campaigns did not achieve significant success, I was able to maintain a dedicated core audience and following for the brand. My efforts ensured ongoing engagement and visibility despite financial constraints.

Kal Care

I led the creation of KalCare's social media presence in Myanmar, a prominent brand within the Kalbe Farma portfolio. I managed the entire setup from scratch, including brand development, strategy formulation, and growth initiatives. My efforts successfully established KalCare’s digital footprint, driving brand recognition and audience engagement in the Myanmar.

Communication and Community


In my role as a communications professional at and, I successfully partnered with local and international NGOs, including Mercy Corps, WorldFish, and FHI 360. Additionally, I collaborated with governments and key opinion leaders (KOLs) to execute impactful communications initiatives.

Htwet Toe App

At VillageLink, I led marketing efforts for the Htwet Toe app, which supports farmers with agri-tech solutions. By leveraging a compelling value proposition in our app, I achieved successful user acquisition, significantly growing the app’s user base and enhancing its impact in the agricultural sector.

Site Pyo App

As a copywriter for Site Pyo app, I developed highly comprehensive content and ad copies specifically tailored for farmers. My work effectively communicated the app's benefits and features, enhancing its appeal and driving engagement within the agricultural community.

VAS Projects

In my role managing various Value-Added Services (VAS) projects under telecoms, I handled a diverse range of initiatives, including agri-tech, gaming, and other content-related projects. My work involved developing and executing marketing strategies that effectively promoted these services, driving user engagement and adoption across multiple sectors.

Global Brands


I have extensive experience in overseeing and managing international brands, ensuring their successful growth and development in various markets. My role has involved strategic planning, executing comprehensive marketing campaigns, and consistently meeting key performance indicators to enhance brand visibility and engagement on a global scale.


At Genxt Myanmar, the authorized Apple distributor, my marketing efforts doubled iPhone 11 series sales from the previous year, thanks to a well-targeted and timely campaign and optimized promotional strategies.

Crypto Global United

Through my part-time role at Crypto Global United, I gained extensive experience in community management, customer service, user onboarding, and SEO. The success of this role was driven by a multichannel approach that effectively engaged the community.

Florida Property Group

I delivered social media marketing services to a real estate property agency in Florida, successfully executing a lead generation campaign. This success was largely due to the client’s dedication and support, which allowed for a highly tailored and effective campaign.

Next Project

The next successful project could be yours. With a proven track record of delivering impactful marketing solutions across various sectors, from agri-tech and gaming to content services, I am ready to bring my expertise to your next venture. Let’s collaborate to achieve exceptional results and drive your project's success.

Small and medium business and brands

SME Projects

Junior Genius Book Store

For my client, Junior Genius Books, I managed media buying and executed targeted campaigns. The campaign met sales targets due to the brand's strong online community and my effective retargeting efforts.

Shinning Moon Academy

For Shining Moon Preschool, I handled media buying and lead generation. Despite the challenge of targeting a narrow audience, I successfully created engaging content that resonated well with the target market, contributing to the business's growth.

UKW Accountancy Firm

For UKW Accountancy, run by senior CPA auditor U Khin Win, I developed a comprehensive social media strategy and provided long-term planning consultancy. My efforts helped establish a strong online presence and guided the firm toward sustained digital growth.

my key competencies and

Areas of Expertise

With expertise in digital marketing, content strategy, and communications, I have a comprehensive skill set that enables me to effectively manage and execute multifaceted projects. My ability to adapt to new trends and technologies, combined with my strategic planning and execution capabilities, ensures successful outcomes in all my professional endeavors.

Digital Marketing

I excel in creating and executing digital marketing campaigns that drive engagement and achieve measurable results. I have successfully managed social media, SEO, and email marketing initiatives, demonstrating a strong ability to adapt to the latest trends and technologies.

Content Strategy

My content strategy skills involve planning and producing high-quality, user-centric content. I have led projects to develop intuitive, accessible websites and create engaging AI-powered content, ensuring a seamless user experience.


In communications, I have partnered with NGOs, governments, and key opinion leaders (KOLs) to execute impactful campaigns. My work in this area has consistently enhanced brand visibility and fostered strong community relations.

Education and Qualifications

  • Bachelor of Arts (West Yangon University)

  • Certificate in Digital Journalism (Reuters)

  • Certificate in Content Marketing (Hubspot)

  • Certificate in Marketing Management (ICM. UK. Diploma by Strategy First University)

  • Certificate in Digital Strategy (Strategy First University)

  • Other Digital Marketing Certificates from Meta, Google and Linkedin

© All rights reserved. Saw Shine Moe Portfolio.


Myanmar Farmer with Phone - Image Credit

How TikTok is Transforming Myanmar's Digital Landscape

TikTok is quickly becoming Myanmar's top digital platform, surpassing banned Meta services. With 17 million users and strong growth in rural areas, it's now crucial for small businesses and NGOs as Facebook faces more restrictions.

Understanding Myanmar's Farming Population and Digital Trends and Challenges

Myanmar's farming population, 68% of the total, relies on TV commercials despite digital challenges. With TikTok gaining traction and Facebook dominant, businesses face issues in e-commerce and digital literacy.

Case Study

Myanma Awba, Myanmar's largest agrochemical conglomerate with over 5,000 employees, had built a strong market presence through successful Above The Line (ATL) campaigns. However, the brand wanted to deepen its connection with its customer base—farmers across the country—and educate them about agriculture and the company's products. The primary challenge was engaging with these farmers, many of whom have low digital literacy, through digital platforms, particularly Facebook, which is widely used in Myanmar.About Myanma Awba:
The mission of Myanma Awba is to empower farmers in Myanmar by providing them with the knowledge and tools necessary to enhance agricultural productivity. The company’s target audience consists primarily of farmers who, despite their limited digital skills, use Facebook as their main social media platform. This presented both an opportunity and a challenge for the brand to connect with its audience in a meaningful and educational way.
The agricultural sector in Myanmar is traditionally driven, with limited adoption of digital tools among farmers. As competitors began leveraging digital channels more effectively, Myanma Awba faced the pressing need to transition from its traditional marketing methods to a more digital approach. The goal was to engage with farmers on a deeper level, providing them with valuable educational content while also promoting the brand's products.
Goals & Objectives:
In the short term, Myanma Awba aimed to increase traffic to its website and boost user engagement. The long-term objective was to establish the brand as a trusted educational resource for farmers, thereby fostering greater brand loyalty and encouraging the adoption of its products.
Strategy & Solution:
To achieve these goals, Myanma Awba developed a comprehensive digital strategy. The cornerstone of this strategy was the creation of a user-friendly, lightweight, and minimalist website designed specifically for farmers. The website was easy to navigate, even for those with low digital literacy. Content on the website was strategically aligned with the crop calendar, ensuring it was relevant and timely. This not only helped in engaging the audience but also drove significant traffic from social media platforms. Additionally, extensive keyword optimization was conducted to enhance the website's search engine rankings, ensuring that it appeared prominently in both product-related and problem-solving search queries.
The digital strategy was rolled out over the course of a year. The initial focus was on developing the website, followed by the creation of content aligned with the crop calendar, and finally, the implementation of keyword optimization to boost organic traffic. The project involved collaboration between Myanma Awba’s marketing team, web developers, content creators, and SEO specialists. A significant portion of the marketing budget was allocated to digital development and content creation, ensuring that the necessary resources were in place.
Results & Outcomes:
By the end of the year, the website attracted 250,000 users, with an impressive average engagement time of nearly 3 minutes. Remarkably, 55% of the web traffic originated from organic search, highlighting the effectiveness of the keyword optimization efforts. The digital strategy not only succeeded in driving traffic but also positioned Myanma Awba as a trusted resource for farmers, strengthening the brand's reputation and deepening its relationship with its customers.
Lessons Learned:
The success of this initiative can be attributed to the user-centric design of the website, the relevance of the content to the crop calendar, and the meticulous keyword optimization. These factors were crucial in overcoming the challenges associated with engaging an audience with low digital literacy. The case study highlights the importance of aligning content with audience needs and behaviors, as well as the value of strong SEO in driving both traffic and engagement.
Myanma Awba’s digital transformation strategy effectively bridged the gap between the brand and its audience, leading to significant growth in website traffic and user engagement. Looking ahead, the company plans to further enhance its digital presence by expanding its content offerings and exploring new digital channels to reach an even broader audience.

Other Web Marketing Projects

I successfully managed SEO and web projects for Diabetasol, a leading diabetes nutrition product in Myanmar, where I was responsible for localizing website content, managing the content management system (CMS), and optimizing the site for search engines ( Additionally, I oversaw the corporate website for Awba Group, ensuring a seamless user experience and alignment with the company’s branding and objectives ( In 2020, I also created and managed a travel blog, Bagan Tour Tips, which became an official partner of Agoda, providing valuable travel insights and tips for visitors to Bagan (

12 Yarthi Awba

Tiktok Branded content Program

Following the coup in Myanmar, Awba Group faced significant negative sentiment on social media. Farmers, the company’s primary customers, were also experiencing severe challenges and hardships during this period. In response, Awba Group launched "12 Yarthi Awba," a brand entertainment program on TikTok aimed at fostering positive brand associations. The program was designed not only to entertain farmers but also to reinforce the brand’s values and deep relationship with its customers. The campaign showcased the rich culture of rural Myanmar, which resonated strongly with the audience, ultimately going viral and significantly improving the brand's public perception.
About 12 Yarthi Awba:
The "12 Yarthi Awba" program was conceived as a creative and engaging way to connect with farmers across Myanmar through entertainment. The content was designed to be light-hearted and culturally relevant, featuring traditional practices, music, and stories from rural areas. By celebrating the unique aspects of Myanmar’s rural life, the program aimed to create a positive emotional connection between the brand and its audience. Given the widespread use of TikTok among farmers, this platform was chosen as the primary medium to reach the target audience, with additional content shared on Facebook to maximize reach.
The social and political turmoil following the coup had significantly impacted public sentiment, and Awba Group was not immune to this shift. The brand had to navigate an environment where negative opinions were prevalent, particularly on social media. Furthermore, farmers were dealing with unprecedented difficulties, which made it challenging for any brand to engage them in a meaningful way. The task was to create a campaign that would cut through the negativity, uplift the audience, and reinforce a positive association with the Awba brand.
Goals & Objectives:
The primary goal of the "12 Yarthi Awba" program was to improve the brand’s public image by fostering positive sentiment and strengthening the emotional connection with its farmer customers. The objectives included generating high engagement on TikTok and Facebook, promoting the brand’s values, and showcasing its deep relationship with the farming community.
Strategy & Solution:
To achieve these goals, the campaign focused on creating entertaining and culturally resonant content that would appeal to farmers across Myanmar. The strategy involved leveraging TikTok’s viral potential by producing short, engaging videos that highlighted various aspects of rural life and Myanmar culture. These videos were crafted to not only entertain but also subtly communicate the brand’s commitment to supporting farmers during challenging times. The content was designed to be shareable, encouraging organic spread across social media platforms. Facebook was used to extend the reach of the campaign, ensuring that it connected with as wide an audience as possible.
The campaign was carefully planned and executed over several months. My role involved helping the team develop the brief and plan the campaign, ensuring that the content aligned with the brand’s objectives and resonated with the target audience. The videos were produced and released in phases, with each phase building on the success of the previous one. The campaign was continuously monitored and adjusted based on audience engagement and feedback.
Results & Outcomes:
The "12 Yarthi Awba" program was a resounding success, going viral on TikTok and reaching nearly 20 million views. On Facebook, the content also garnered millions of views, amplifying the campaign’s impact. The widespread positive reception led to a noticeable improvement in the brand’s public sentiment, with many viewers expressing appreciation for the brand’s efforts to uplift and entertain during difficult times. The campaign effectively reinforced positive brand associations and demonstrated Awba Group’s deep connection with its farmer customers.
Lessons Learned:
The success of the "12 Yarthi Awba" program highlighted the power of culturally relevant content and the importance of emotional connection in brand communications. It also underscored the value of entertainment as a tool for fostering positive sentiment, particularly in challenging times. The campaign showed that even in a difficult social and political climate, it is possible to engage audiences effectively by focusing on shared values and cultural pride.
The "12 Yarthi Awba" program not only achieved its goals of improving brand sentiment and associations but also set a new standard for how brands can connect with their audiences through entertainment. Looking forward, Awba Group plans to continue leveraging digital platforms like TikTok to further strengthen its relationship with farmers and build on the success of this campaign. The positive impact of the program serves as a reminder of the enduring power of cultural relevance and emotional connection in brand storytelling.

12 Yarthi Awba

Tiktok Branded content Program

While working as a Digital Marketing Manager at Village Link, I led the marketing and user acquisition efforts for the Htwet Toe app, an agri-tech tool designed to support farmers with timely and essential information. The app provided localized weather updates, crop prices, and pest and disease alerts—critical information that farmers needed on a daily basis. Given that most farmers in Myanmar primarily use Facebook, the challenge was to drive user acquisition through this platform while overcoming the barriers of low digital literacy among the target audience.
About Htwet Toe:
Htwet Toe was developed to empower farmers by providing them with crucial, real-time information directly through their smartphones. The app’s design intentionally mirrored Facebook’s user interface to ensure that farmers, who were already familiar with Facebook, could easily navigate the new app. This approach was key to overcoming the low digital literacy that could have otherwise hindered adoption.
The primary challenge was engaging a user base with limited digital experience and encouraging them to adopt a new technology. Since Facebook was the only platform widely used by the target audience, the marketing strategy had to be highly focused on this channel. Additionally, the content needed to be both informative and accessible to ensure that it resonated with the farmers and encouraged them to use the app regularly.
Goals & Objectives:
The main goal was to achieve significant user acquisition for the Htwet Toe app, targeting 400,000 users within the first year. Secondary objectives included raising awareness of the app’s benefits and ensuring high engagement through relevant and timely content.
Strategy & Solution:
To achieve these goals, I implemented a user acquisition strategy centered on Facebook, using the platform’s targeting tools to reach the right audience. The content strategy was designed to be both informative and engaging, focusing on the practical benefits of the app, such as real-time weather updates and market prices. The UI of the app was also simplified and made to resemble Facebook, which greatly aided in user adoption. By tailoring the marketing messages to align with the daily needs of the farmers and using the right digital tools, we were able to effectively reach and engage the target audience.
Results & Outcomes:
The user acquisition campaign was a major success, resulting in 400,000 app users within the first year. The high adoption rate demonstrated the effectiveness of the content strategy and the targeted approach used in the Facebook campaigns. The app quickly became a valuable tool for farmers, with many relying on it for daily agricultural updates and information.
The success of the Htwet Toe app highlighted the importance of understanding the target audience’s behavior and needs, particularly in a market with low digital literacy. By leveraging familiar platforms like Facebook and simplifying the app’s UI, we were able to overcome these challenges and achieve significant user growth. This case study underscores the impact of a well-executed digital marketing strategy, even in markets with considerable barriers to entry.

Will TikTok Rule Myanmar's Digital World?

Myanmar Farmer with Phone - Image Credit

How TikTok is Transforming Myanmar's Digital Landscape

Myanmar has faced many challenges since the coup, especially with the government's ban on Meta platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. While people in cities use VPNs to access these, TikTok is growing quickly, especially in rural areas.TikTok’s Rapid Growth in Rural Myanmar
TikTok's rise in Myanmar is due to a few key reasons. Its easy-to-use design is perfect for people with low digital skills. Unlike Facebook, which can be tricky, TikTok is simple and fun. Telecom companies have also helped by offering unlimited TikTok data packages, making it even more popular.
Currently, there are about 17 million TikTok users in Myanmar. This number might soon surpass Facebook users, who are declining because of the bans. In rural areas, TikTok is becoming the main platform for connecting with others.How Brands Are Reacting
Despite TikTok’s popularity, many big brands are still unsure about using it. They worry about controlling their content and staying safe on a new platform. However, small businesses are jumping on board and are already seeing good results. They’re making content themselves and using local influencers to promote their products since TikTok’s paid ads aren’t available in Myanmar yet.
As Facebook faces more bans, small businesses are finding they have no choice but to join TikTok. This is changing how digital marketing works in Myanmar.Tips for Big Brands on TikTok
For big brands planning to use TikTok, here are some simple tips:
Do:Work with Local Creators: Team up with popular TikTok users to make your brand more relatable.Encourage User Content: Get your customers to create videos about your brand.Be Culturally Aware: Make content that connects with Myanmar’s people.Don’t:
Avoid Perfect Ads: TikTok users prefer real, unpolished content.
Don’t Ignore Trends: Stay up-to-date with what’s popular on TikTok.
Don’t Forget Humor: Funny content works well on TikTok.
How NGOs Can Use TikTokNGOs in Myanmar can also benefit from TikTok by:Telling Stories: Use short videos to share impactful stories about your work.Partnering with Influencers: Work with local TikTok stars to spread your message.Educating with Fun Content: Create educational videos that are also entertaining.Conclusion
As Myanmar's digital world changes, TikTok is quickly becoming the leading platform, especially in rural areas. While big brands might be slow to join, small businesses and NGOs that adapt to TikTok's style will find great opportunities. In the years to come, TikTok could become the most important digital platform in Myanmar. Brands that act now will be ready for this new reality.

Understanding Myanmar's Farming Population and Digital Trends and Challenges

Myanmar Farmers - Image Credit Tech Wire Asia

Insight into Myanmar's Largest Population: The Farming Community

Myanmar’s farming population is the largest demographic in the country, comprising approximately 68% of the total population of 53 million, or 36 million people, according to 2021 data. This significant rural segment continues to rely heavily on traditional media, especially television commercials (TVC), despite the growing influence of digital platforms.The Role of TVC and Digital Challenges
Television commercials remain influential in Myanmar due to ongoing telecom and Meta platform bans following the 2021 coup. Many rural areas face limited digital access, high susceptibility to online cybercrime, and concerns over data privacy. As the younger generation increasingly adopts TikTok, their influence is gradually reaching older generations.
For advertisers, addressing the digital literacy gap between these generations is crucial. While TikTok is gaining traction, social commerce is not yet effective, even in cities, due to logistical and payment issues. Delivery services like MGL Express, Ninja Van, and Royal Express serve major cities, but restrictions and political unrest hamper online business operations and rural online purchases.E-commerce and Social Media Dynamics
Facebook remains dominant for online sales, as TikTok’s business features, such as TikTok Shop, are not available in Myanmar. While businesses are exploring TikTok, the platform’s organic reach may diminish as more companies join. Rural areas still show limited use of Google Search and websites, making Facebook essential for driving website traffic.
Apps face challenges in engaging and acquiring users in rural areas due to low digital literacy, and many scam apps exploit this vulnerability. Web apps may offer a more effective solution for businesses due to their simplicity and lower risk of fraud.Conclusion
As Myanmar's young generation leads digital adoption, businesses must navigate the current challenges in the digital landscape. With TVC still playing a vital role and the digital divide persisting, future strategies will need to adapt to these evolving conditions.